Monday, January 30, 2012

Figure Cabinet - January 2012

I really need another of these Detolf cases, but haven't got the room for it. Pity, some nice figures had to go back in their boxes =(

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Clalaclan Philias 1/8 - Armor ver. Part 15

A couple of quick pics to show the final assembly:

 Arms turned out a little straight to the sides. Barely had room for the mace and shield with the large skirts in the way

 Upper sash skirt sitting up too much. Replaced the rather large base with a smaller one

 Very pleased with the hair, armour and the blue painted areas

Spent a good amount of time and effort on the legs. Might as well have them on show, right? =)

Will take some better pictures at some point

Monday, January 9, 2012

Clalaclan Philias 1/8 - Armor ver. Part 14


Primed and ready for painting

Base coat of Vallejo Model Air white applied

Shaded by adding some light grey to the mix

and finally highlighted with white

This section was more difficult. Being two skirts in one mold meant alot of masking to be done to get the 2 different colours

Everything given a base of white to begin

Underpart given the same light grey shading and highlights as the previous part. Substituted the light grey for light brown of the upper part.

Way too many frills!
A lot of photographs missing of the lengthy masking process here, as I got a little bored ;)

All that remains is some assembly and some final photos to be taken.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Clalaclan Philias 1/8 - Armor ver. Part 13

Freehand painted the outlines and eyebrows

Green for the eyes


Green gradient and white reflections added.
Turned out a little chunky overall, looks ok though.

Several parts varnished and ready for assembly and application of glue. 

That just leaves the skirts to be painted . . . . more to follow

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Clalaclan Philias 1/8 - Armor ver. Part 12

Now that the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is beginning to release me, I can get back to finishing this figure!

Some colour testing for the blonde hair. It's Vallejo Model Air again

The hair bow, again Vallejo Model Air. Quite happy with the highlights and shadows on this piece. I will gloss this to try and give a more satin appearance.

There's a nice sense of volume to the sculpt of the hair.

The hair parts are given a base coat. Decided on a 4:1:2 mix of Skin Tone, Yellow and White

Fringe could have done with a bit more finishing, I can see flaws!

Hair after shading (with added Ochre to base mix), highlighting (added White) and Satin Varnish

The Airbrush enjoys a nice warm bath in the ultrasonic cleaner =) I find the acrylic varnishes tend to really clog the airbrush if left for any length of time.