Finishing up the puffy sleeves. Hand painting with the same light brown/aluminium colour as the upper skirts.
Time to work on that broken crown I've been putting off for ages
Decided to use Instant Mold to make a copy of the crown and use the good spikes to replace the broken ones.
Instant Mold has been softened in boiling water and the crown carefully pressed into it.
After cooling, the the crown is separated from the mold
Thin wire placed in the slots for added strength, and epoxy putty pressed into the mold
Left to cure overnight and removed
Trimmed individual spikes from the mold
Crown trimmed and holes drilled to receive the new spikes. You can see the notches cut in the wire to hopefully ensure the putty grips better.
Glued, and left overnight
Gaps filled and sanded, primed, ready for painting