Sunday, October 30, 2011

Gallery: 1/6 Kanu Unchou - Maid Dress

1/6 Kanu Unchou Maid Dress ver

A gallery of my first Anime Garage Kit build. Airbrushed with Vallejo Model Air/Color. Completed September 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Clalaclan Philias 1/8 - Armor ver. Part 10

Starting work on the skirts
 Priming has brought out some flaws unnoticed before

 And of course I would have to go and break another bit off while re-sanding =)

 Looks thick enough to pin, so holes drilled in both parts

 Thin wire pin cut to right length

Glued with 2 part epoxy and left to cure

Excess glue cut away and sanded

Primed. Can still see a little bit of the join, but time to move on!

 Here's what I'm using for the blue areas

 Some colour tests on a bit of scrap

 Base coat applied with airbrush

And the shadows

And the highlights

Gloss varnished, to protect the paint from the masking process.
Left to dry for a day.

 Blue areas masked off, very time consuming =(

Pale areas painted with same colours used to the armour, only in different ratios

Making removed and some blue retouching done with paintbrush.

I like the blue.
The pale colour lack contrast between the highlights and shadows,
must be more bold next time!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Clalaclan Philias 1/8 - Armor ver. Part 09

Some progress to report!

Retouched some areas with paintbrush to bring out the details. Armour pieces just need a coat of varnish then ready for assembly

Time to start work on the hands. The kit includes a right hand for holding the weapon, a left hand to hold the shield, and an optional empty left hand.

 Shield hand, thumb and shield strap

 Loose assembly with shield

 There was no way to get the strap into the fist without more breakage, so I sawed the strap in half

 Slotted both ends of the strap into the fist for a test fitting. Looks good

 Glued with 15 minute epoxy, and left overnight to cure fully

Hands primed and given a black base coat. Will brush paint the armour finger plates later

 Masking off the shield and hand to isolate the straps for airbrushing

 Painted with Vallejo Model Air interior green, then shaded with VMA dark green

Masking removed

Friday, October 14, 2011

Clalaclan Philias 1/8 - Armor ver. Part 08

More armour pieces ready for priming

Primed and ready for Aluminium base coat

 Shaded with Light Brown / Aluminum mix. Not sure sure I like the effect, but I'll stick with it

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Clalaclan Philias 1/8 - Armor ver. Part 07

Clamping the hair/crown to fill the gap with milliput.
More breakage too, crown needs some repair work later =/

Filling gaps in the shoulder joint to improve the fit. Also repaired a air bubble in collar

Some colour testing

Armour gets a base coat of Vallejo Model Air aluminium

Clalaclan Philias 1/8 - Armor ver. Part 06

Base coated in a light grey, then highlighted in white. Also sprayed with a touch flesh tone to simulate the skin tone shining through the stockings.
I'll have to work on that effect, not sure it worked.

Applied an overcoat of a thinned Mr Color Pearl White. Masking removed. Happy with the overall effect =)

Assembled and glued

Clalaclan Philias 1/8 - Armor ver. Part 05

Primed and drying. Halford's white spray primer for the hair and flesh parts, grey for the rest.

Skirt temporary assembled to test fitting. 

Some parts being sanded again after priming. A lot of flaws only become noticeable after being primed.

First attempt at using Lacquer based paints. 

Flesh parts will be airbrushed in a base of Gaia Color flesh notes, and shaded with Mr Color Flesh

I love these new paints.
    - sprays on really smoothly
    - covers great
    - dries quickly
    - is sandable when dry
    - dries to a very tough resistant finish.

    - Very difficult to get a hold of in UK
    - fumes are horrible, good ventilation and a respirator are needed.

Thigh after base coat....

after shading

Masking off the flesh to paint the stockings

Using a mixture of masking tape and masking fluid