Starting work on the skirts
Priming has brought out some flaws unnoticed before
And of course I would have to go and break another bit off while re-sanding =)
Looks thick enough to pin, so holes drilled in both parts
Thin wire pin cut to right length
Glued with 2 part epoxy and left to cure
Excess glue cut away and sanded
Primed. Can still see a little bit of the join, but time to move on!
Here's what I'm using for the blue areas
Some colour tests on a bit of scrap
Base coat applied with airbrush
And the shadows
And the highlights
Gloss varnished, to protect the paint from the masking process.
Left to dry for a day.
Blue areas masked off, very time consuming =(
Pale areas painted with same colours used to the armour, only in different ratios
Making removed and some blue retouching done with paintbrush.
I like the blue.
The pale colour lack contrast between the highlights and shadows,
must be more bold next time!